Sunday, 10 June 2007

Raiding Party.

Not normally one for turning up anywhere, uninvited (except, maybe, ECR's blog, but I don't think he minds as much as he makes out), I found myself tagging along with a handfull of revellers to a party they were going to, in Ramsgate, last night.
I thought I'd inadvertently stumbled across Narnia, when I got there.
As it turned out, it was a fancy dress party with a 1940's theme.
I've been to a few of those, in Birchington, but they call them Nostalgia Parties, here.
Anyway, to cut a short story, long, I met this lovely young stud called Jamie who was wearing the most stunning hat, and I think I may be in love!
I also met, oddly enough, a collection of some of the tallest people I'd ever seen in one place.

I think I may also still be a bit pissed!

That Ramsgate, it seems, is quite a fun place to be and I really think it's time to haul my cute ass over to visit some of their estate agents.


Richard Eastcliff said...

Listen, I'm only faking the huffy-puffiness, you're welcome to come on my blog any time.

Anonymous said...

I saw some young ladies dressed in military fatigues Saturday in Westgate. Wish I'd known as I have my old Petty Officers uniform in a trunk at home.

Justin Brown said...

Petty Officer? Young ladies?
I'm not sure that you were taking your job as seriously as you should have been!