Sunday, 20 April 2008

Rodger Wilko.

Call me odd if you like but one thing that I find really appealing about Ramsgate is your wonderful branch of Wilkinsons.
I can spend hours in there, perusing their enormous array of goodies and just soaking up the wonderful, almost frenzied atmos.
It's also a great place to 'pull', for those of you that weren't aware. Though I'd imagine it difficult for anyone not to notice.
And, just across the road, there's the multi-storey car park, with it's selection of en-suite cottages.


Think I may pop over today, to satisfy my hardware needs.


Anonymous said...


Richard Eastcliff said...

On the rare occasions I go there I usually also experience a sudden urge to dash off to the lavatory. Not quite for same reasons though - it just gives me the shits!

Lucy Mail said...

I only ever go there when I have a headache, knowing full well that I'm going to come out with one anyway.
Doesn't really put me in the mood for the after-shop party, over the road.

Anonymous said...

Is the lavvy at Wilkinsons the same as the stairwell to the carpark which smells of piss?